Health & Dental Insurance
Coverage available and insured by Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Connecticare, Local 713 Welfare Plan, One Share Health, UHC One.
Choose a health insurance plan from Anthem BCBS and Connecticare offering varying amounts of coverage depending on you or your family’s specific needs.
If you qualify, substantial tax credits are available by purchasing through AHCT insurance exchange: offering Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze coverage levels.
Andrew Hochberg is accredited to represent companies on the CT health exchange. Apply for coverage for you and your spouse or for your whole family.
Are you or a loved-one turning 65? Seniors have options of health care coverage under Medicare: from traditional Medicare with Supplements, Stand-Alone Prescription Drug Plans, OR Medicare Advantage Plans.
Did you know that relying solely on Medicare (A & B) alone leaves you dangerously at risk for uninsured medical bills? Uncapped AND unpaid medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US! Why needlessly expose yourself to potential financial ruin?
Medicare Advantage allows you to obtain a low-cost or no-cost policy that provides network-type coverage while adding benefits that Medicare does not cover.
If you are budget conscious, Medicare Advantage Plans should be on your A-list to discover:
- Hospital and Outpatient coverage
- Low Co-pay for many services
- Prescription drugs included in the plan
- Annual maximum out-of-pocket protection
Coverage available by: Aetna, United Healthcare/AARP, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield,
Small group health insurance plans. Offering customized quotes for 2-50 employees in CT NY, NJ with multi-company market comparisons.
Coverage available and insured by: Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Connecticare, Emblem Health, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield of NY, National General, Oxford Health Insurance.
Your oral health is more important than you might realize. Learn how the health of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general health.
Dental & Vision plans available and insured by: Anthem BCBS,, Cigna, Metlife Dental, United Healthcare.
Coverage plans sold through the exchanges will comply with new Obamacare regulations that prohibit insurers from discriminating against those with pre-existing health conditions. The next open enrollment period will begin Nov. 1, 2020- Dec. 15,2020
Your circumstances could allow immediate enrollment if you have any of the following: